February 23, 2009

A good day

Funny story...
Our bishop gave us a call Saturday night. He said that it was ward conference the next day and he wanted us to know so be would be there. In Relief Society, one woman spoke about how every one of us as Children have an innate desire to create. She told a story about a little girl named Akiane Kramarik grew up in a non religious home. She had a dream one night about the Savior. Her mother couldn't figure out where her love of God came from. She was only about 13 when she made this painting. The speaker said that everyone has the ability to create. We can create a smile, a memory, play an instrument, paint, make a craft anything. We are children created in the image and likeness of a Heavenly Father who is the ultimate creator. We as his children have inherited some of that creativity. I loved that lesson it really touched my heart.

This picture is of the Christ Child.

Later during Sacrament meeting, the bishop spoke about casual members. I felt like he was talking to me. I know it was probably my guilty conscience but I know I have much room to improve. I was becoming a lax member and I didn't even realize it. That night after we got back from Jer's parents house, I read my scriptures in who knows how long and Jer and I had couple prayers and personal prayers. I haven't felt so good in a long time. I know this is day one of getting back to basics but at least its a start.

Here Mason is asleep on Grandpa Mo's lap.

Tonight we are having Family Home Evening. I find it a little hard to do with little kids that have an attention span of nil but I hope one day our kids will look back and say mom, we really learned about the Savior and grew closer as a family during Family Home Evenings. Yes, I know...That is dreaming big. lol


Elaine said...

you can do it! It's easier said than done, but always worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

That is such a beautiful picture - don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing a great job, just get back to the basics and it will all be fine. Scripture reading works best for me late at night. I know most people say the morning but I am too crazy trying to get us out the door or whatever and too lazy to get up early.

FHE big motivation to listen around here is getting the treat -popsicles or ice cream. I'm not too fancy and I have a little book that we just go in order of the lessons. I think it would be harder with different aged kids though. We also do it right at the kitchen table after the grown ups have eaten and the kids are still eating. It works for us. Hopefully some of that will help your family.

thanks for sharing :)

Faith said...

Having family home evening with little ones is really hard. I've learned the shorter the lesson the better. Then we always have an activity/game, but some nights we may just end up playing a game like Duck-Duck Goose. --Check out the two websites on my blog listed under my favorite websites, they have a lot of great ideas!!

Surat Diaries said...

Our lessons are short and sweet... and the way I see it they probably won't look back and say wow Mom I really remember that lesson about, such and such, they'll look back and say "we always had family home evening" and thats what matters....