May 7, 2012

Garden Prep and Chickie update

We are so excited to have a nice big garden this year! I have really gotten into it this year. I started our plants from seeds and now they are growing like crazy on our enclosed front porch. The "greenhouse".  Ha ha!

Jer's dad was really nice and came down 2 weeks ago with his tiller to till up the soil. Jer added some manure and a week ago added top soil. This Saturday we bought some black garden cover and staked it down. I am really hoping they will keep the weeds down. I love to garden but HATE to weed!

I just wanted to make a little update on our chickadees. They are getting so big! Jeremiah built them some boxes in their coop. They have finally figured out how to climb the ramp and lay in the boxes. Tonight Brook and Jer went out to check up on them and they found ALL 10 of the chicks laying in ONE box. I sure hope they figure out that they have their own boxes soon. I don't want all their eggs stomped on. Ha ha!


jamie said...

Wow - what a great size for your garden! I can't wait to see how things grow.

Candi said...

Me too. My plants are sure thriving but I hope I don't kill them when we transplant them. :-)