May 7, 2012

Chickens continued

The chickens are now 8 weeks old! The coop is really coming together. If only they'd learn to roost in their own boxes instead of just the one in the corner. :-)


jamie said...

Wow - they are growing so big already!

Our chickens almost always share the same nest, even though we have 4 available places to nest.

When they start laying eggs, if you have a hard time getting them to lay where you want you can put a fake egg (even a plastic Easter egg) in the nest and they'll usually get the hint.

Candi said...

Thanks so much! I never would have thought of that! Its funny to me. But they have always huddled together ever since chicks, so it makes sense they would still lay together.

Amanda said...

Wow, Looks like fun and a lot of work. I can't wait to see the eggs. I am sure the kids are loving it. I can't wait for this someday!