July 13, 2010

The quiet observer...

This week I've sure enjoyed watching my kiddos. Last Friday I took Dallas outside with me while I mowed the lawn. I sat him near this tree and realized it was pretty beautiful under there with all that shade.
Dallas is growing into such a laid back little guy. He's happiest when we are outside. He is so curious that everything gets such an intense stare from him.

Here Dallas is giving one of those goofy grins that I am in love with!

I asked Brooklyn to sit and feed Dalli a bottle so I could make dinner. She was adorable. She was singing him a little song. I got it on video but it was so quiet you can't hear it. She will be such a good mommy one day!


Mindi said...

Yer gunna have a heck of a babysitter one day!

Candi said...

Oh I sure hope so. Kids these days hate to babysit anymore. I used to babysit all the time.

Amanda said...

How sweet. Love that he always has his tongue out!