July 31, 2010


Every year we go camping. Ever since we've moved to Akron, we've had to do it in the back yard. Its nice for me because I can enjoy the fun while still having the comfort of my home. Friday night I slept in my own bed just in case Dallas needed me. I liked having the bed to myself but at the same time, I kinda felt like I was missing all the fun. Well, that thought soon died when Jer explained to me how soar he is from sleeping on the ground. He he.

My sweet little Mason bug. He is growing into such a little stud!

My Brooky can be such a good big sister. When she wants to that is. Ha!

Here is the big kids hammering in the spikes.

Dalli just enjoys being outside and watching everything happen.

I just loved this picture of the kids. I do hope they grow up to be close to each other.


Amanda said...

I hope so too. At the moment my kids can't get along for anything. There either fighting or annoying each other. I can't believe how big Mason looks just within a few months. And look at dallas!

Candi said...

I know. yeah I think a lot of Masons looking older is if I do his hair or not that day. haha sad but true.