You know what irks me???? I have to plan so far ahead of time, just to make it to a simple Doctor's appointment and they make you wait! Wait for an hour, maybe longer.
Last night I had to make sure the kid's back packs were ready to go, their clothes set out so they could get dressed quickly (yeah right) and I had bottles and a diaper bag ready to go this morning. All of this prep so I could leave the house 40 minutes ahead of time so I could get to my appointment with 5-10 minutes to spare, depending on traffic. Now, if I can do all of that why is it that they tell you to strip down and put on this flimsy sheet just to make you sit on a table for 50 minutes!!! By the time the Doctor found time to see me, Dallas had woken up from his carefully planned nap, ready to eat! I was so frustrated because not only was I trying to calm him down but I was half naked doing so! Talk about the doc walking in at a bad time. I wonder if it was even worth it. I could have told her that I was healing well. I can feel it for goodness sakes.
On a side note, Brooklyn and Mason are getting really excited for Dallas' blessing day. Their cousins and my cousins are coming! Dal is getting to be so big! He is cooing more and more every day and gives me the funniest faces. One minute he is smiling up a storm and the next, his eyebrows come together and he is scowling. funny kid. Here is a pic of one of his Elvis lips.