April 29, 2013

8 is Great!

Sunday March 10, 2013

We had our Eight is Great after church meeting. Because of postponements from weather, baby births and prepping, we only ended up having 1 family come to the meeting. Even so, it turned out awesome. Kathy talked about the 8 is great booklet, the parents can discuss baptism with their kids on one side and the kids can fill out different word puzzles and activities on the other. It is all about preparing for Baptism and what to expect on the day and what to bring. Bishop also spoke about the pre-baptism interview and what it means to be baptized. Sister Christopher got up and spoke about the Faith in God program for the boys and boy scouts. Then I got up to talk about Faith in God for girls. Only, I probably could have omitted my part because the family that was there only had one boy getting baptized and I felt silly even explaining the girl's program. ha ha! oh well. 
We gave snacks at the end with two doughnuts in the shape of an eight. I think it went well.

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