January 6, 2013

When dad is away...

This week Jeremiah and his dad drove down to Manassa to visit Grandpa Snuffy, Courtney and Preston.

I have realized that our house feels awfully EMPTY when dad is away. The kids have asked about a million times when is dad getting back? I have really been cleaning up a storm because without him there to distract me and hang out with, I find reading or watching TV is just too boring! I have mended holey jeans, cooked, cleaned, organized and put away all the Christmas stuff so far.Not to mention that no matter how early I go to bed, I never get to sleep until at least midnight. The house stays pretty clean without my sweet hubby but its just too clean. In short we all miss you babe! 

P.S. Please come home soon, I really need a better night's sleep!!! 

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