April 10, 2012

General Conference!

Its that time of year again! I prepared a little Conference Bingo and note and coloring packets this year so my kids would stay a little focused. Brooklyn did pretty well with listening and writing down what she thought was important.

I also took notes. I was really hit this year with how many talks focused on getting rid of contention and loving one another. My favorite speakers were:

Henry B. Eyring- when he talked about trials making time seem to pass slowly. The reason for this is that our Heavenly Father wants us to be ready to come home to him. He wants us "Polished a little more".

Jeffrey R. Holland- When he said, Why should we be jealous when others are blessed.

Robert D. Hales- spoke about Coming to ourselves and being self-reliant. To Crave the joy that service brings.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf- He was my favorite when he said his council for holding grudges, gossiping, envy is to STOP IT. Just let it go.

Russell M. Nelson- loved how he talked about Gratitude. Also when he said, Could an explosion in a print shop produce a Dictionary? No. Our bodies are Sacred and Special. Only a Loving Father made them. We are no mistake.

Ronald A. Rasband- Talked about serving others. If we see a person drowning, wouldn't we just jump in! Why would we ask first. Do you need any help?

Our Prophet Thomas S. Monson- spoke about Running with patience the race of life. We are too in a hurry to get through things. I needed to hear that. I need to pause more. Have more quiet in the home. Less background noise. Meditate more.

I am so grateful for the wonderful words of our Prophet and leaders. I love the spirit that Conference always provides. I love the feeling of being renewed. It almost feels like I got a spiritual power drink and am now ready to regroup and refocus on what I need to be doing.
I have such a strong testimony of Our Father in Heaven and how much he loves us all. I know that temple work is one of the most important works we can do in this life. I am so grateful for that work that promises me that I can be with my mom and my family again one day. I am so grateful for my elder brother and Savior Jesus Christ who suffered so I can repent of my sins. I know he is the most selfless person to ever walk this earth and he is the great example I strive to follow. I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the scriptures. They have been my day to day manual and in a sense my friend through my life. I know that no matter what happens, I can turn to them for guidance and comfort. I feel very lucky to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Sometimes I wonder why I was able to grow up with this gospel and others didn't. I hope to be a support and example to others around me. I hope you all got to hear conference too and be as uplifted as I was!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you for this! There really were some great talks this session! I fully enjoyed it!! Do you make up your own packets for the kids or print them off? We just did a bingo for Em and myself, LOL! Ethan's too litle and Aidan doesn't stay focused long at all. :-( I can't wait to get the conference issue of the Ensign!! Thank you for your testimony and sharing some of your notes!!