May 13, 2012

Planting some of the garden

May 5th Jeremiah and I decided to transplant some of our seedlings into the garden. I didn't know where or how to start so I looked up garden layout on Google and found a website that suggested we Plant from North to South starting with tallest plants, then medium plants and lastly the lower plants to the South. We planted seeds for corn first. Then we planted the green bean seedlings as well as the tomatoes. towards the Southern part of the garden we planted the carrots. We also planted our pumpkins, squash and zucchinis to the side of the main garden since they grow large and tend to vine everywhere.

We still have cucumbers, lettuce, hatch green chilies and peas to plant.

I am not sure if this experiment with work. So far, the plants are all blooming on my "green house" front porch but some of the plants we transplanted are not looking so hot right now. It was in the 80s when we planted but it did get pretty cold a few days later. I still have quite a few plants left but even if they fail, we can use some of our left over seeds and just start all over again. That would break my heart since I have spent a lot of time and money on started my plants from seeds. Oh well, its trial by error I guess!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I want a garden but I don't want to do it at this stupid house! Maybe some day!