February 19, 2010


Today is just one of those days when I could possibly go insane! I have been looking forward to this weekend with such anticipation. I thought we would get a hotel room for a night or two and soak in the hot tub and I could just erase all of the tension I have been building up these last couple months. Jer and I decided it would be smarter to hold off on the room and save our money. I feel like my body is extremely disappointed but my brain is totally okay with it since logic always wins with me in the end.
This morning I woke up to find that my kids have lost Brooklyn's glasses. We have looked everywhere! I am pretty sure it was Mason who got hold of them but I cannot get an answer out of him as to where he had them! It is extremely frustrating!!! This is just the last thing we need right now, along with new tires for the van and paying off the hospital bill from Dallas' birth. I honestly think I may need to go to a Doctor and get some drugs after all this stress, maybe a Valium? I really don't want to explode into some kind of crazy monster mom soon.


Food Bank Communications said...

Yoga! You can do some 5 min. de-stress, even in the bathroom. Breathe in- reach for the sky, breath out- touch your toes. Hold that for a bit and just let your body hang. Then maybe do a side-stretch. Or lie on your stomach and have someone sit on your back. or push on it gently. I don't know, this helps for me. And sleep. Valium is maybe a last resort. Anyway love you! Don't know why I haven't commented on here before. -- Janae

Candi said...

Thanks Janae! I was mostly venting. I wouldn't really take a valium. ;-) I do love yoga though. I think my scar is healed enough now that I can do it again. yay! nice to hear from ya!