December 10, 2009

So blessed!

It never ceases to amaze me how we are surrounded by angels all around us. My angel came to me in the form or another mom at Brooklyn's school. Our baby Dallas will be here soon. I had been worrying about us being ready. One big worry on my mind was the fact that I had a whole bunch of shorts and infant tee shirts but not a lot of winter appropriate clothes. We were able to go out and find a few long sleeve onesies to layer him with.

The other week a mom walked up to me at Brook's school. She was holding her newborn son that she had on Halloween. She told me that she was done having babies and that I was the only pregnant woman that she knows and if I would like all her newborn boy clothes that her baby was rapidly growing out of. I couldn't believe it. At first I felt guilty that I was accepting her offer then I became so so grateful! She has nice taste and the clothes were barely worn. (If worn at all). My prayers were answered by some sweet lady and she probably didn't even know just how much we needed them. It makes me thankful that there are such kind people out there!

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Wow, that was a great answer to prayers! So nice!! Good luck...and thanks for the sympathy comment! I'm at a low right now, but I hopefully will perk up here quick!